11:28 PM

7 Must Does On Page SEO factors

Many of my webmaster friends might have gone thorough this post numerous times yet I am following up a quick brush up from memory Lane.
1. Keep your main targeted keyword at beginning of the title .
2. Don't use Company/Brand name in title unless you want extreme brand awareness.
3. Don't use more than 2-3 keywords in title.
4. Maintain a flat internal linking hierarchy ,do breadcrumb navigation since it is good SEO friendly practice.
5. Keep XML sitemap only if your site is big with lot of pages . Else go for HTML sitemap.
6. Exclude unnecessary part of site from getting indexed by writing proper robots.txt.
7. Apply no follow tags in your internal linking structure .
8. Avoid promotional word in Call to Action tag section in title ,use simple,short and attractive words.