9:24 PM

Link Building With Expired Domains

According to Matt Cutts, "PageRank is the primary factor determining whether a URL is in the main web index vs. the supplemental results, so I’d concentrate on good backlinks more than worrying about varying page layouts, etc.". This reconfirmed the love of Google for good backlinks and PR still holds the decisive edge factor in it.

Now did you know that old trusted expired domains can do the trick for it ? Now comes the way for it. I am putting it down in few simple steps.

1.Choose your favourite seller like pool.com, snapnames.com, deleteddomains.com, expireddomains.com, wehavethem.com , Godaddy. For me, GoDaddy is ideal .They are cheap and have huge inventory of domains .

2. Do a bit of research using tools using tools like HTML Editor (WYSIWYG)
Text Editor
SEOCHat’s PR Lookup
Marketleap.com Link Pop
Archive.org and make sure that the domains are viable for you . Make sure to check the Inbound and Outbound link of the domains using some online tools . For me, I have seen that having primary keyword in url of the expired domains feels good for your main Website. Prepare a list of such domains and arrange it in a notepad. Watch out for domain with only a single backlink domain or sitewide links from a single (or very few domains)... the owner auctioning can easily remove links from his own network - much hard to do this from other people's links.

3. Now copy all the urls from the notepad and put in Some bulk IP checker tools and check the respective Page Ranks.

4. Now keep a note of the respective quantity of backlinks from Yahoo site Explorer and check all the backlinks manually to make sure that none of the links are removed with anchored text.. Check both www and non www versions for the backlinks though.

5 . Next comes the most difficult part, Optimal Selection from your big list. Choose top three/four domains(depending on your buying budget) , buy them and make a 301 redirect to your main website.


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